Monografii naționale:
1. АНДРЕЕВ В.Н., ЦЫБЫРНЭ И.В., БЕЗУ Г.Г. Реабилитация больных с заболеваниями внутренних органов, костно-мышечной системы и соединительной ткани. Кишинёв: Tipogr. Totex-Lux, 2017, 412 стр. ISBN 978-9975-4021-7-0.
Articole și alte publicații:
anul 2018
1. MAZUR – NICORICI L., SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ V., LOGHIN-OPREA, N., GARABAJIU, M., SALARU, V., VETRILA, S., MAZUR, M. Disability in Systhemic Lupus Erythematosus. Archives of Balkan Medical Union., Vol. 53. no.1., March 2018, p. 35-40. SCOPUS.
2. BRANISTE, GH., CALUGHER, V., BRANISHTE, T., DORGAN, V., The Modernization of Higher Education of Physical Culture From the Republic of Moldova in the Context of the Knowledge Based Society. în The Proceedings of the International Conference, Comunication, Context, Interdisciplinarity, ediţia a cincea (CCI 5), ed.: Iulian Boldea – Târgu-Mureş, Published by “Dialogue Arhipelag XXI Press”, Târgu-Mureş, supus evaluării pentru indexare in Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics, 2018
3. BRANISTE, T., ARSENESCU-GEORGESCU,C., BRANISTE, Gh., DORGAN, V. Testing and validation of a new method for the investigation of functional changes in human heart and skeletal muscles, în Med. Surg. J. – Rev. Med. Chir. Soc. Med. Nat. Iasi. 2018; 117 (3): 468-473.
4. DUMBRAVEANU, I., BRANISHTE,T, BANOV, P. et all Incidence of primary cardiovascular risk factors in patients with erectile dysfunction, în Med. Surg. J. – Rev. Med. Chir. Soc. Med. Nat. Iasi. 2018; 122 (1): 33-38.
5. MAZUR – NICORICI L., SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ V., GARABAJIU, M., MAZUR, M. Therapeutic adeherence in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-sectional study. In: Rom J Internal Medicine, Vol. 56 (2), no. 1., June 2018, p. 109-115.
6. NASTASIU, S., BRANISHTE, T., Competence formation of doctor-patient interpersonal communication in medical students, în The Proceedings of the International Conference, Comunication, Context, Interdisciplinarity, ediţia a cincea (CCI 5), ed.: Iulian Boldea – Târgu-Mureş, Published by “Dialogue Arhipelag XXI Press”, Târgu-Mureş, supus evaluării pentru indexare in Web of Science – Clarivate Analytics, 2018
7. BUGAI, R., ȚÎBÎRNĂ, I. Factori genetici în pancreatologia contemporană. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei. Științe medicale. Chișinău, 2018, nr.1 (58), p.67-77. ISSN 1857-0011.
8. BUGAI, R., ȚÎBÎRNĂ, I. Mortalitatea și letalitatea prin boli digestive în populația Republicii Moldova în perioada anilor 2012-2016. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei. Științe medicale. Chișinău, 2018, nr.1 (58), p.78-84. ISSN 1857-0011.
9. SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ V., ȘALARU V., ROTARU T., MAZUR – NICORICI L., GARABAJIU M., BANAGA C., ISTRATI V., MAZUR M. Conversia testelor – screening pentru tuberculoză în timpul terapiei biologice la pacienții cu maladii articulare inflamatorii. Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină, nr.1-2 (75-76), 2018, p. 45-49. CZU: 616.72 -002:615.37+616-002.5-07 Categoria B.
10. UCRAINȚEV, V., ȚÎBÎRNĂ, I., POSTORONCA, S. Pancreatită cronică forma algicăcu sindrom neuroastenic și afecțiuni asociate gastroduodenale. Buletinul Academiei de Științe al Moldovei, Științe Medicale, 1(58)2018, p 63-67, ISSN 1857-0011.
11. SADOVICI-BOBEICA V, MAZUR-NICORICI L, NICORICI A, ȘALARU V, LOGHIN-OPREA N, GARABAJIU M, ISTRATI V, MAZUR M. Chronic miliarial gout associated with carpal tunnel syndrome: a very rare clinical presentation. EJCRIM 2018; 5 doi:10.12890/2018_000926.
12. ARTENI, I., BUGAI, R. Diagnostic assessment of alfa fetoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma. The XXXVIIIth National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy. Craiova, 24,-26 May,2018. In: Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, vol. 27, Suppliment 2, May 2018, pag. 43.
13. BUGAI, R., ŢÎBÎRNĂ, I.,. Chronic pancreatitis and PRSS1 (R122C) gene mutation- risc factors for pancreatic cancer. The XXXVIIIth National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology an Digestive Endoscopy. Craiova, 24,-26 May,2018. In: Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, vol. 27, Suppliment 2, May 2018, pag. 101.
14. CEBANU,M., SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V., SALARU, V., GARABAJIU, M., CIOBANU, G. Borg dyspnea scale and 6 minute Walk Test could be useful tools for assessing respiratory involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus. In: ERS International Congress Abstract book, Paris France 15-19 september.P.3906.
15. GARABAJIU, M., SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V., MAZUR-NICORICI, L., CEBANU, M., SALARU, V., MAZUR, M. Relationship between disease activity index scores and physician global assessment in early and non-early Systhemic Lupus Erythematosus. In: Annals of the Rhematic Diseases. The EULAR Journal.,June 2018 vol.77 supl.2, p.399.
16. LOGHIN-OPREA N., VETRILA S., MAZUR-NICORICI L., SALARU V., MAZUR M. How does the duration of disease influence the quality of life. In: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. The EULAR Journal. 2018, vol. 77, suppl. 2, p.1528.
17. LOGHIN-OPREA N., VETRILA S., MAZUR-NICORICI L., SALARU V., MAZUR M. The outcomes of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies in elderly patients. In : Archives of the Balkan Medical Union. The 21st Session of the Balkan Medical Days. Athens, Greece, 2018, vol. 53, suppl. 1, p.53. ISSN 1584-9244.
18. LOGHIN-OPREA N., VETRILA S., MAZUR-NICORICI L., SALARU V., MAZUR M. Statutul familial la pacientii cu miopatii inflamatorii idiopatice. In: Romanian Journal of Rheumatology 2016, vol XXV, supl, al XXIII- lea Congres national de Reumatologie, Bucuresti 2018, p 73. ISSN1843-0791.
19. SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V.; SALARU, V.; MAZUR-NICORICI, L.; GARABAJIU, M.; ROTARU, T.; MAZUR, M. Conversion of tuberculosis screening tests during biological therapy in patients with rheumatic disease: what’s beyond screening values? In:ERS International Congress Abstract book. Paris France 15-19 september.P.339.
20. VÎZDOAGA, A., ȘALARU, V., MAZUR-NICORICI, L., MAZUR, M. SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V., CAUN, E., MAZUR, M. The efficacy of kinetotherapy in knee osteoarthritis. In: Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, Vol53, Suppl 1.sep 2018. ISSN 1584-9244. S49-50.
21. VÎZDOAGĂ, A., SALARU, V., SADOVICI-BOBEICA, V., CEBANU, M., MAZUR-NICORICI, L., MAZUR, M. Barriers to kinethotherapy adherence in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a qualitative study. In: Osteoporosis international World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal diseases, 19-22 April, 2018 Krakow, Poland,Vol 29, supl. 1 April 2018., p.387.
22. UCRAINȚEVA, V., ȚÎBÎRNĂ, I., POSTORONCA, S. Pancreatita cronică cu sindrom neuroastenic și modificările endoscopice gastroduodenale. Zilele Universiăţii şi Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Anuală a cadrelor ştiinţifico-didactice, doctoranzilor, rezidenţilor şi studenţilor a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Chișinău, Republica Moldova.
23. ȚÎBÎRNĂ, I., BUGAI, R. “Mortalitatea prin boli digestive”. Conferinţa Naţională de Demografie Medicală cu participare internaţională, Chişinău – 2018, „Tendinţele fenomenelor demografice din Republica Moldova şi păstrarea genofondului Ţării” dedicată aniversării a 20-ea de la fondarea Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale din Republica Moldova, 26 octombrie, 2018.1. ARTENI, I., BUGAI, R. Diagnostic assessment of alfa fetoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma. The XXXVIIIth National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy. Craiova, 24,-26 May,2018. In: Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, vol. 27, Suppliment 2, May 2018, pag. 43.
24. BUGAI, R., ŢÎBÎRNĂ, I.,. Chronic pancreatitis and PRSS1 (R122C) gene mutation- risc factors for pancreatic cancer. The XXXVIIIth National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology an Digestive Endoscopy. Craiova, 24,-26 May,2018. In: Journal of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, vol. 27, Suppliment 2, May 2018, pag. 101.
25. CEBANU,M., SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V., SALARU, V., GARABAJIU, M., CIOBANU, G. Borg dyspnea scale and 6 minute Walk Test could be useful tools for assessing respiratory involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus. In: ERS International Congress Abstract book, Paris France 15-19 september.P.3906.
26. GARABAJIU, M., SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V., MAZUR-NICORICI, L., CEBANU, M., SALARU, V., MAZUR, M. Relationship between disease activity index scores and physician global assessment in early and non-early Systhemic Lupus Erythematosus. In: Annals of the Rhematic Diseases. The EULAR Journal.,June 2018 vol.77 supl.2, p.399.
27. LOGHIN-OPREA N., VETRILA S., MAZUR-NICORICI L., SALARU V., MAZUR M. How does the duration of disease influence the quality of life. In: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. The EULAR Journal. 2018, vol. 77, suppl. 2, p.1528.
28. LOGHIN-OPREA N., VETRILA S., MAZUR-NICORICI L., SALARU V., MAZUR M. The outcomes of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies in elderly patients. In : Archives of the Balkan Medical Union. The 21st Session of the Balkan Medical Days. Athens, Greece, 2018, vol. 53, suppl. 1, p.53. ISSN 1584-9244.
29. LOGHIN-OPREA N., VETRILA S., MAZUR-NICORICI L., SALARU V., MAZUR M. Statutul familial la pacientii cu miopatii inflamatorii idiopatice. In: Romanian Journal of Rheumatology 2016, vol XXV, supl, al XXIII- lea Congres national de Reumatologie, Bucuresti 2018, p 73. ISSN1843-0791.
30. SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V.; SALARU, V.; MAZUR-NICORICI, L.; GARABAJIU, M.; ROTARU, T.; MAZUR, M. Conversion of tuberculosis screening tests during biological therapy in patients with rheumatic disease: what’s beyond screening values? In:ERS International Congress Abstract book. Paris France 15-19 september.P.339.
31. VÎZDOAGA, A., ȘALARU, V., MAZUR-NICORICI, L., MAZUR, M. SADOVICI-BOBEICĂ, V., CAUN, E., MAZUR, M. The efficacy of kinetotherapy in knee osteoarthritis. In: Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, Vol53, Suppl 1.sep 2018. ISSN 1584-9244. S49-50.
32. VÎZDOAGĂ, A., SALARU, V., SADOVICI-BOBEICA, V., CEBANU, M., MAZUR-NICORICI, L., MAZUR, M. Barriers to kinethotherapy adherence in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a qualitative study. In: Osteoporosis international World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal diseases, 19-22 April , 2018 Krakow, Poland,Vol 29, supl. 1 April 2018., p.387., poster P 387.